2013년 12월 29일 일요일

[MOOC - A Brief History of Humankind] Part II Summary & Quiz

Part II: The Agricultural Revolution

Lecture 5: History’s Biggest Fraud
About 12,000 years ago, people in the Middle East, China, and Central America began domesticating plants and animals. In the process, Homo sapiens, too, was domesticated, abandoning a life of hunting and gathering for the pleasures and discomforts of agriculture. For most people, the discomforts outweighed the pleasures. The Agricultural Revolution made the life of the average person harder. Why, then, did it occur? 
Summary Lesson 5-1,2 

Lecture 6: Building Pyramids
For millions of years, humans lived in intimate bands of no more than a few dozen individuals. Our biological instincts are adapted to this way of life. Humans are consequently ill-equipped to cooperate with large numbers of strangers. Yet shortly after the Agricultural Revolution erupted, humans established cities, kingdoms, and huge empires. How did they do it? How can millions of strangers agree on shared laws, norms and values?

Lecture 7: There is No Justice in History
A critical factor in the formation of complex societies was the division of the population into a hierarchy of groups. Agricultural and industrial societies have been built on hierarchies of class, race, ethnicity, and gender. Why was it impossible to create a just and equal society? What is the deep root of prejudice and injustice? In particular, why did almost all known societies treat men as superior to women?

2013년 12월 9일 월요일

[MOOC] Major Player

2012년 4월, 스탠포드 대학의 컴퓨터 과학 교수인 Daphne KolleAndrew Ng이 창립
수강생 : 570만 명
강좌수 : 550개 (인문학, 의학, 생물학, 사회과학, 수학, 경영, 컴퓨터 과학 등 다양한 강좌)
파트너 : 총 107개의 전세계 상위권 대학 및 기관


2012년 5월, MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)와 Harvard University에서 설립
강좌수 : 103개
파트너 : 32개 전세계 상위권 대학

강좌수 : 33개 (경영, 컴퓨터과학, 디자인, 수학, 과학 강좌 - 평생교육,직업 교육)

2012년 12월, 영국의 Open University에 의해 설립, CEO는 BBC에서 11년 이상 근무하며 iPlayer 런칭에 참여했던 Simon Nelson이다.
강좌수 : 36개
파트너 : 26 개의 영국 상위권 대학 및 기관(the British Museum, the British Council and the British Library)

2013년 10월 독일 베를린에서 Jonas Liepmann and Hannes Klöpper에 의해 설립.
강좌수 : 26개

2013년 11월 4일 월요일

[History] Korea Peninsula in 1934

Charles Cave gave me two maps and description.
His grandfather who took a cruise from Melbourne to Asia including China Hong-Kong and Japan left that.

The map was published in Japan and drawn by hand in ink.

At the time, Korea was under Japanese rule(1910-1945)
and Japan had committed acts of brutality.

Still there are remaining problems such as

Now I don't want to hate them,
but I hope to be able to solve these problems.

I totally agree with Dr. Harari's opinion in his lecture, A Brief History of Humankind,

"The empires, this is what they claimed, the empires bring new medicine. 
They bring new transportation that works, like the railroads. 
They bring new ideas, they bring education, they bring science 
to the primitive people in Africa and India and Australia. 
This is why the empires are good. And they should be supported. 
Now, of course, the reality was very often very far away from these fantasies.
On many occasions, what the European empires brought was war and famine and exploitation and racism
much more than medicines or roads or schools." 

(in the Lesson 12-4 The Marriage of Science and Empire)

2013년 10월 17일 목요일

[History] Moving Map

Map of Europe 1000 AD to present with timeline

2000 Years of History (1000 BC - 1000 AD)

The world in the last 5000 years

The History of the World's Civilizations in 2 Minutes

2013년 9월 20일 금요일

[History] Korean War

The Korean War: Causes and Effects

In summary, between 1945 and 1950, the United States and Soviet Union both wanted to establish its respective ideologies within Korea. By 1950, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when North Korea, supported by the Soviet Union and China, invaded South Korea, which was supported by the United States. General MacArthur, leader of the United Nations forces, drove the North Koreans back across the divide, yet encountered a Chinese invasion. The war languished for an additional two years until an armistice was reached on July 27, 1953. However, the armistice was not followed by a peace treaty. North and South Korea are still engaged in conflict to this day.

Korean War Overview 

Story of Korean War in Colour (Documentary)

2013년 9월 12일 목요일

[MOOC - A Brief History of Humankind] Part I Summary & Quiz

Part I: The Cognitive Revolution

Lecture 1: The Human Family
One hundred thousand years ago, at least six different species of humans inhabited planet Earth. Our species, Homo sapiens, was just one among them. Who were the others? Where did they come from? And what happened to them? Why is there today only one species of humans—Homo sapiens?

Lecture 2: The Cognitive Revolution
The Cognitive Revolution, about 70,000 years ago, enabled Homo sapiens to conquer the world and drive all other human species to extinction. During this revolution, Homo sapiens developed a new and remarkable kind of language. How was this language different from the languages of earlier human species and of other animals? What were the advantages that Homo sapiens gained from this unique language?

Lecture 3: Daily Life in the Stone Age
What was life like for people who lived 30,000 years ago? What did they do when they woke up in the morning? How did they organize their societies? Did they have monogamous relationships and nuclear families? Did they have religions, revolutions, and wars?

Lecture 4: The Human Flood
Following the Cognitive Revolution, Homo sapiens spread all over the planet. While doing this, it drove numerous other species to extinction. In Australia, up to 95% of all large animal species vanished. In America, 84 of 107 large mammal species disappeared. Altogether, about half of the large terrestrial mammals that populated Earth became extinct. How could a few million individuals who possessed no more than Stone Age technology have caused such devastation?

My score of the first quiz ! >_<
Even though it was second try...